This research project is done in order
to know how the boys and girls of my school INS CASTELLÓ d’EMPÚRIES live the
religion, how they feel it, if they know about how a person begins to be a
practicant of their religion, etc.
Through this points we are going to
discover how important is religion for Catholics, Orthodoxs and Protestants and
also how important is for Islamics.
start my research project I handed out some surveys to all secondary school
students of my high school about how they feel their religion.
I read all surveys and there were only two religions: Christianity and Islam.
3. So I explained where Christianity comes from and how it was divided into three
branches: Catholicism , Orthodox and Protestant. I did the same with Islam. I
have summarized what is Islam and what are its basic practices .
I came to the conclusion that the
Catholics are the ones who know less about their religion, followed by the
orthodox and then the Protestants .
With this project I have come to the
conclusion that teenagers think they know too much about their religion but
it’s not the reality.
As a personal conclusion, I must say
that I enjoyed this topic because since I was a child I have been in contact
with religions.
This work has helped me to keep in
touch with two often conflicting worlds and learn things that I didn’t know .
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