divendres, 21 de novembre del 2014


I did my last oral presentation with Aida. We explained in detail how humour is on a tv program called "Aída", and on a film called "Frozeen".
Althought we are Spanish and an English person can detect we are not from England, for example, I think my pronunciation was correct. We used all the guidelines to do a good presentation and the power point had a good structure. I am like embrassed to speak English in public because I know this language is difficult for me and I try to speak the minimum possible. In the next oral presentation I will try to speak more, to improve my English and make it more fluent. Another problem I always have in my presentations is that in the moment I am very nervous, as a lot of people.

To summarize, a part from the problem to speak less time than the expected, we did a good job.

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